Remote Working Checklist

There is no doubt that over recent years there has been a push for more businesses to offer flexibility as part of their normal business practice. This has created some challenges in facilitating remote and hybrid work arrangements in terms of management an IT requirements as well as safe work practices.

In order to assist our members to meet with some of their health and safety obligations dealing with employees that work remotely some or all of the time, we have developed a simple remote working checklist which can be sent out to employees to complete.

How It Works

  1. Fill out the form below
  2. Request to complete the checklist will be automatically sent to the employee.  Additionally a confirmation email will be sent to you including a draft email that you can send should the employee not complete the form in a timely manner
  3. Once the form is complete, both you and On Demand HR will be sent a copy of the completed checklist for filing

​​Please use the form below to request a remote working checklist