Part Time Employee Variation Request

Did you know that if you offer a part-time employee an additional shift or hours that it may be considered overtime unless there is a mutual agreement in writing between the employer and the employee?  This may be true regardless if it is for a few extra hours, a single additional shift or a permanent change to their contracted part time hours.  To help solve this problem for our members, we have developed this part-time variation agreement.

How does it work?

  1. Complete and submit the below form
  2. The employee will be sent a document similar to the attached to review and digitally sign the document to signal their acceptance of the part time variation
  3. The document will be sent back to you for counter signing
  4. Both you and the employee will receive a copy of the completed document
Please note that this process is entirely automated and On Demand HR does not review the agreements before they are sent to the employee.  Should you choose to use this service as part of your membership. please ensure that all details are correct prior to submitting the form.

​​Please use the form below to request a part-time employee variation