External Grievance/Complaint Lodgement

A major challenge for businesses when it comes to HR and workplace relations is to be able to identify or be told about issues before they escalate and become bigger problems. All of our members have some sort of grievance or complaint lodgement process however, with the introduction of new legislation, this may no longer be enough.

The Respect at Work Bill brought with it a positive obligation to provide training when it comes to workplace, bullying discrimination and sexual harassment.  Beyond giving our members access to our online training portals in this space, we wanted to do more to help with compliance.

So to help our members meet with our compliance obligations, and to identify issues before they escalate, we have designed our external grievance/ complaint lodgement service

The concept is pretty simple, our members give their employees access to a special link where they are able to document and lodge any workplace complaint or grievance that they have. From our perspective, we think that by promoting this being lodged with an external service we are more likely to hear about complaints earlier where they can be managed more effectively.

Once the grievance or complaint is received by On Demand HR, we will carry out of preliminary assessment of the complaint and provide along with any relevant advice directly to a person within your business or organisation. Whilst your employees are lodging their complaint with an external party (On Demand HR), we make it very clear that we are not an employee advocacy service, and that they will not be receiving a response directly from us, and that we will be passing on anything they share with us directly to their employer.

If you are interested in learning more or rolling out the external grievance member benefit for your business. Please use the form below to make your request.